Australian rooftop solar installations average over 9 kW

Aug 10, 2023

According to the data analysis of the Australian Energy Commission, the average size of new rooftop solar systems in Australia has climbed to a new height. At present, the average size of a typical photovoltaic system has exceeded 9 kW.


The size of rooftop solar installations continues to rise, according to the Australian Energy Council's (AEC) analysis of the Clean Energy Regulator's (CER) latest Carbon Market Quarterly Report, which shows that in the second quarter of 2023, Australia's pv rooftops average size is 9.3 kW. Compared with 8.7 kW in the last quarter, it has increased slightly, and is well above the accepted standard of 6.6 kW.


In the second quarter, Northern householders had the largest installations of roof systems. Between April 1 and June 30, 2023, this data reaches up to 14.1 kW, followed by Queensland and South Australia respectively, which have installed average The system scale has reached 10.1 kW.


AEC suggested the increase in system size continued a trend of recent years, with Australian households and businesses keen to take advantage of technological advances and falling costs in the market, meanwhile seeking greater energy independence.


As of the end of the second quarter, the total installed rooftop solar capacity in Australia had reached 20.5 GW, with more than 61,000 sets new systems connected to the grid in three months, with a total installed capacity of 520 MW.


In the first quarter of 2023, Australia installed a total of 80,300 sets of rooftop PV systems. Compared with this, the number in the second quarter has declined, but AEC noted that there is a 12-month lag in data reporting, and an upward revision is expected for the second quarter.


"According to forecasts, the final data is expected to be even higher, with around 91,000 new rooftop PV systems expected to have been installed by the end of the reporting period," it is reported. "The surge in installations is expected to bring the total capacity to 827 MW, this further indicates that the adoption of rooftop PV solutions will increase in the second quarter of 2023."

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